Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score▴ Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
331 Steel Plated Riggs 13 0.44 8% 0.17 136 11.8 0% 100% 0% 0%
332 TIM1774 11 0.38 18% 0.56 160 11.8 0% 0% 0% 0%
333 MAZEN Pe 12 0.50 17% 0.20 155 11.8 0% 0% 0% 100%
334 Ziglodyte 15 0.67 13% 0.08 120 11.9 0% 67% 0% 0%
335 39dk 21 1.10 14% 0.33 91 11.9 0% 0% 0% 76%
336 Tap Navillus 12 0.50 33% 0.50 149 12.0 0% 0% 0% 0%
337 Nova Genesis 11 1.20 18% 0.56 170 12.0 0% 0% 0% 91%
338 xXblakerXx 23 0.53 22% 0.28 109 12.0 0% 0% 100% 0%
339 KrisParker35 13 1.60 8% 0.00 139 12.0 0% 0% 0% 0%
340 sgt kneegrotron 13 0.18 8% 0.33 139 12.0 0% 0% 0% 0%
341 ernobyl 31 0.35 6% 0.00 62 12.1 0% 32% 55% 0%
342 OgelEtarip 16 0.45 31% 0.27 105 12.1 88% 0% 0% 0%
343 SledgeQueenMyGoddess 17 0.89 12% 0.13 108 12.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
344 EdoTenseiPrigozhin 17 0.42 0% 0.06 114 12.1 0% 0% 0% 100%
345 Xiel Bladze 13 0.44 23% 0.30 140 12.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
346 Man of The Republic 19 0.46 11% 0.12 92 12.1 63% 0% 0% 0%
347 Egni 13 0.86 8% 0.08 140 12.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
348 yyz211 11 0.83 0% 0.45 173 12.1 0% 0% 0% 100%
349 LilSmack 17 0.70 6% 0.19 99 12.2 100% 0% 0% 0%
350 AlienPilot 12 0.71 8% 0.55 159 12.2 0% 0% 0% 92%
351 Kaeykay 24 0.60 25% 0.22 79 12.2 0% 0% 79% 0%
352 whykepedia 12 0.71 17% 0.10 152 12.2 0% 0% 0% 0%
353 Gilded Leopard 12 1.40 33% 0.88 152 12.2 0% 0% 0% 0%
354 Callmebaconman2005 16 1.00 6% 0.07 116 12.3 0% 81% 0% 0%
355 Rickitickitavii 11 0.57 18% 0.33 166 12.3 0% 0% 0% 0%
356 digitalcommunist 18 0.42 6% 0.12 104 12.3 0% 0% 0% 0%
357 Zastor 14 0.56 7% 0.23 132 12.3 0% 93% 0% 0%
358 Hungsoloski 12 0.50 8% 0.36 153 12.3 0% 0% 0% 0%
359 5302554 19 0.46 11% 0.00 99 12.3 0% 0% 89% 0%
360 JOHN CHRITON 25 0.92 16% 0.05 77 12.3 0% 0% 52% 0%

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.