Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress▴ Light Medium Heavy Assault
271 Keren Sky 988 1.26 36% 1.28 277 265.1 -29% 18% 39% 21% 2%
272 VESSILY 5411 1.20 34% 1.51 282 285.5 -29% 13% 29% 23% 30%
273 NagibatorXXL 605 1.18 32% 0.88 291 274.0 -29% 3% 0% 0% 94%
274 CptJudas [-SA-] 16235 1.68 51% 2.51 336 351.6 -29% 15% 28% 35% 20%
275 Jim_X42 [D4VE] 5385 1.73 49% 2.17 337 299.6 -29% 3% 17% 43% 34%
276 BLACKHOLESTAR 151 2.36 40% 2.48 361 227.5 -29% 0% 15% 0% 54%
277 SgtSnozzberry 123 0.64 15% 0.20 109 64.9 -28% 15% 24% 11% 0%
278 Hawk Eye 13 613 0.71 25% 0.29 119 111.5 -28% 53% 2% 22% 15%
279 Chucklefugs 588 0.72 14% 0.27 134 131.9 -28% 31% 8% 33% 18%
280 LyricsoWar 245 0.71 20% 0.33 137 115.4 -28% 7% 0% 53% 11%
281 DeathReaper33 5186 0.82 17% 0.49 140 149.4 -28% 7% 12% 26% 52%
282 3HK Eric 37 0.71 30% 0.35 144 28.9 -28% 0% 0% 57% 27%
283 Lord Ajax 654 0.69 20% 0.26 150 151.5 -28% 91% 0% 0% 5%
284 Nathan Harris 2749 0.79 18% 0.44 192 182.9 -28% 1% 0% 1% 95%
285 pykpyk 1580 0.92 24% 0.56 203 192.3 -28% 15% 40% 25% 14%
286 Mrblackpants 96 0.71 25% 0.85 209 100.9 -28% 0% 13% 26% 20%
287 Vladislav the Poker 10697 1.00 25% 0.72 220 230.6 -28% 38% 26% 19% 15%
288 I'M STILL DA BOSS 1273 0.94 42% 1.32 228 236.1 -28% 17% 18% 27% 30%
289 Fenrir Garmr 233 0.92 20% 0.67 229 178.5 -28% 0% 0% 15% 76%
290 H7Bulp 1180 0.92 29% 0.73 231 202.7 -28% 8% 34% 40% 11%
291 Magnacrusher 2464 0.88 25% 0.72 237 229.8 -28% 9% 4% 18% 66%
292 Sergey Soldier 409 1.17 34% 1.30 237 197.4 -28% 3% 0% 49% 33%
293 Ardo87 1734 0.93 30% 1.24 239 233.2 -28% 0% 48% 16% 23%
294 MC Hacksaw 239 1.01 25% 0.97 239 194.4 -28% 20% 35% 26% 7%
295 Thunder489 355 1.11 23% 0.97 240 215.9 -28% 3% 10% 59% 21%
296 Antius [NRGN] 4439 0.94 31% 0.98 247 242.4 -28% 11% 8% 19% 58%
297 Xeleven 3271 1.05 26% 0.79 248 232.7 -28% 2% 6% 43% 43%
298 Korvus Knull 1659 1.06 30% 0.76 250 236.0 -28% 0% 4% 53% 33%
299 _Samurai_Prince_Jeikobu_Kurita_ [2d20] 3710 1.17 30% 0.97 251 253.4 -28% 22% 17% 22% 34%
300 thugnificent646 1052 0.99 26% 0.84 257 265.1 -28% 22% 6% 41% 27%

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.