Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress▴ Light Medium Heavy Assault
811 Rajestar 1188 0.88 31% 0.92 270 258.5 -19% 4% 12% 46% 36%
812 UtDanik 1321 1.13 23% 0.90 270 266.3 -19% 4% 2% 66% 23%
813 Treeplex 1296 1.09 33% 1.50 270 264.4 -19% 16% 19% 21% 27%
814 Sam cw 6830 1.22 28% 1.31 271 263.9 -19% 19% 10% 26% 42%
815 Specter222 2122 0.98 35% 1.08 271 262.2 -19% 3% 19% 14% 62%
816 W1ldB0ar 1078 1.10 27% 1.08 271 260.5 -19% 1% 8% 16% 70%
817 Totenxcx 1830 1.21 25% 0.98 272 264.0 -19% 1% 15% 23% 58%
818 Zen38 1664 1.04 32% 0.95 273 275.2 -19% 25% 27% 27% 16%
819 Pyramas [-99-] 958 1.01 39% 1.27 273 268.2 -19% 0% 0% 80% 15%
820 Fleagger [CR1T] 27453 1.02 34% 1.08 276 278.2 -19% 3% 58% 33% 4%
821 Scuhbee 686 1.39 37% 1.36 279 272.7 -19% 4% 0% 60% 34%
822 Mechatyran 6417 1.20 37% 1.48 280 277.7 -19% 13% 20% 31% 28%
823 Pjmen [CDU] 914 1.14 35% 1.42 282 280.7 -19% 5% 37% 42% 6%
824 Groomdal 4949 1.26 40% 1.62 283 267.9 -19% 3% 14% 44% 36%
825 pit0fdespair 660 0.95 40% 1.52 286 309.0 -19% 92% 0% 2% 0%
826 Winterisle 206 0.99 29% 1.12 286 220.7 -19% 39% 45% 0% 6%
827 Hobotech 1448 1.17 33% 1.31 292 266.9 -19% 1% 24% 41% 26%
828 MushBrain 1200 1.00 36% 1.20 295 298.7 -19% 27% 30% 26% 11%
829 BangPoofBoom 220 1.34 41% 1.41 301 235.0 -19% 5% 25% 30% 16%
830 CheapThrills 1520 1.17 38% 1.62 303 267.8 -19% 7% 11% 16% 53%
831 TercieI 5675 1.43 44% 2.38 307 277.4 -19% 21% 28% 26% 21%
832 Pr1mu2 1940 0.99 31% 1.85 307 295.5 -19% 0% 0% 13% 86%
833 ToxicMaskShot 1738 1.28 39% 1.59 312 311.5 -19% 2% 22% 45% 18%
834 Celestial Defender 2272 1.26 44% 2.23 320 318.6 -19% 3% 45% 31% 13%
835 Faucon des neiges 376 1.28 33% 1.66 328 291.6 -19% 3% 9% 11% 66%
836 Kerensky124 4914 1.44 35% 1.70 337 301.0 -19% 1% 2% 28% 65%
837 Low Population Matchmaking 208 1.26 40% 1.96 337 257.8 -19% 0% 0% 100% 0%
838 Zortat Defense System 1608 1.39 46% 3.07 344 310.1 -19% 1% 85% 5% 5%
839 Weeb Knight 126 4.25 70% 8.05 551 341.6 -19% 79% 0% 8% 10%
840 Psyk117 144 0.66 12% 0.17 99 64.5 -18% 48% 44% 0% 8%

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.