Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival▴ K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
1531 Sirius Gray 251 0.98 17% 0.22 109 91.8 7% 5% 0% 13% 63%
1532 Hammybone 1056 0.56 17% 0.22 110 110.2 19% 16% 18% 39%
1533 JohannesSteiner 3598 0.82 17% 0.20 111 110.9 2% 11% 16% 38% 31%
1534 Roundball 76 1.15 17% 0.17 111 49.2 34% 0% 22% 0%
1535 KRMA101 18 0.64 17% 0.13 111 13.1 0% 0% 89% 0%
1536 SlexZ 12 1.00 17% 0.30 111 8.9 0% 0% 0% 0%
1537 The Dang 12 1.40 17% 0.10 111 9.7 92% 0% 0% 0%
1538 MamaWolf 1405 0.53 17% 0.23 112 109.6 -1% 0% 1% 35% 61%
1539 weuvas 872 0.86 17% 0.21 113 112.3 0% 1% 80% 12%
1540 Carl4489 6209 0.87 17% 0.20 115 122.7 24% 49% 29% 13% 8%
1541 Cryptek Noname 81 0.45 17% 0.21 115 50.6 6% 33% 15% 17% 33%
1542 alexsav1975 574 0.81 17% 0.23 116 115.4 9% 19% 44% 16%
1543 Soutalgon 54 0.74 17% 0.22 116 38.2 -11% 65% 0% 0% 30%
1544 Yojimbo75 1935 0.64 17% 0.26 117 120.4 -14% 33% 57% 1% 2%
1545 RMDC 92 0.59 17% 0.14 117 56.5 28% 0% 23% 58% 0%
1546 zaxor0 23 0.44 17% 0.11 117 21.0 0% 0% 0% 0%
1547 DatSwede 59 0.84 17% 0.18 119 40.0 0% 27% 0% 0%
1548 Bronze Gorilla 87 0.66 17% 0.22 120 52.7 0% 14% 0% 60%
1549 AM3FOG 65 0.67 17% 0.24 120 42.9 0% 0% 15% 58%
1550 Craigellachie 818 0.74 17% 0.30 121 114.0 -47% 2% 29% 34% 18%
1551 Reymerus 186 0.81 17% 0.29 121 90.0 7% 42% 18% 20% 9%
1552 TwistedPhreak 2412 0.51 17% 0.26 122 127.8 48% 33% 15% 30% 19%
1553 Vaporlokt 2450 0.80 17% 0.23 123 126.6 15% 21% 13% 29% 26%
1554 Nyaki Stryker88 126 0.76 17% 0.33 123 67.5 0% 9% 24% 48%
1555 Miss Jay 764 0.76 17% 0.25 124 121.5 22% 6% 5% 3% 74%
1556 TechnoWulf 48 0.41 17% 0.28 125 35.6 0% 46% 38% 0%
1557 CAPTA1N W0LVER1NE 53 0.71 17% 0.23 125 37.9 -15% 26% 0% 0% 70%
1558 LoveTech 12 0.71 17% 0.20 125 10.0 0% 0% 0% 0%
1559 GRIZZLYCARP 612 0.68 17% 0.31 126 130.1 31% 5% 25% 24%
1560 J E N O V A 205 0.67 17% 0.38 127 99.5 40% 16% 0% 29%

Database Season: 103
Database last modified: 02 March 2025
Current active players: 21,439
Current retired players: 358,454

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.