Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio▴ Survival K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
91 Renna Roze 25 0.25 16% 0.38 138 22.1 0% 88% 0% 0%
92 NIGHTOPS823 20 0.25 0% 0.30 146 18.1 0% 0% 0% 100%
93 EngineShot 10 0.25 10% 0.44 152 10.2 0% 0% 0% 0%
94 Sexymagikarp 10 0.25 10% 0.11 179 11.5 0% 0% 0% 100%
95 CrispiestMink1 15 0.25 13% 0.69 197 19.6 0% 0% 87% 0%
96 tehmegaboss 15 0.25 7% 0.29 202 19.3 0% 0% 0% 80%
97 crustybottoms 10 0.25 30% 2.00 293 19.7 0% 0% 0% 0%
98 maybebutbad 58 0.26 10% 0.23 100 36.1 86% 0% 0% 0%
99 Flugegeheimen2 34 0.26 3% 0.15 100 22.5 68% 0% 0% 0%
100 DanelleDoodle 73 0.26 11% 0.25 114 43.5 0% 0% 0% 88%
101 TAEM00 39 0.26 8% 0.17 122 29.8 36% 33% 0% 0%
102 Stack7 14 0.27 21% 0.18 59 5.2 0% 0% 0% 100%
103 Skyfighter12 14 0.27 7% 0.00 76 7.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
104 Axiii 14 0.27 21% 0.18 84 8.5 93% 0% 0% 0%
105 SirPanzerCreed 15 0.27 7% 0.14 92 9.1 0% 100% 0% 0%
106 capt fajeet 15 0.27 20% 0.08 102 10.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
107 WolfMasterAlpha 19 0.27 5% 0.17 155 19.2 0% 100% 0% 0%
108 Strike6450 14 0.27 14% 0.25 158 14.7 0% 0% 86% 0%
109 EngyMecha 14 0.27 21% 0.18 185 17.2 0% 0% 0% 0%
110 ru333 14 0.27 7% 0.46 200 18.7 1% 0% 0% 7% 86%
111 Sav Yuu 32 0.28 16% 0.15 114 24.7 81% 0% 0% 0%
112 yenothewolf 32 0.28 9% 0.34 133 26.6 0% 81% 0% 0%
113 NarutoUzzi 32 0.29 6% 0.03 33 6.5 0% 50% 0% 34%
114 MrPiaPie 28 0.29 4% 0.00 39 6.9 0% 39% 0% 0%
115 Webliu 18 0.29 11% 0.19 55 6.2 0% 0% 0% 89%
116 DESTlNY 10 0.29 0% 0.10 58 3.9 0% 100% 0% 0%
117 Mr J or Just J 22 0.29 5% 0.14 74 9.8 0% 0% 45% 45%
118 Thork4570 18 0.29 6% 0.29 99 11.7 0% 78% 0% 0%
119 noflyphill 22 0.29 18% 0.33 110 15.6 0% 0% 73% 0%
120 bang 321 32 0.29 9% 0.21 120 23.1 0% 0% 0% 78%

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.