Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score▾ Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
1381 D Heth 370 1.10 43% 2.38 301 290.9 20% 4% 6% 79% 7%
1382 Lord Halthron 627 1.07 29% 0.92 239 290.9 34% 10% 19% 67% 1%
1383 Rccroy 1857 1.33 41% 1.83 286 290.9 28% 37% 28% 4%
1384 Sgt Dinkelwinkel 580 1.00 33% 1.34 221 290.9 9% 25% 43% 18%
1385 Urbi MkII 1169 1.00 34% 1.03 271 290.8 -3% 74% 17% 6% 1%
1386 Pharcyide 2611 0.94 36% 1.37 279 290.8 0% 2% 67% 30%
1387 Grand Master Urby 20492 1.09 37% 1.28 262 290.8 23% 74% 15% 6% 5%
1388 animal8526 5605 0.96 29% 1.07 254 290.7 19% 10% 46% 11% 32%
1389 Skindrov813 925 1.04 36% 1.73 278 290.7 18% 10% 14% 44%
1390 E_R_Creepy Fingers 453 1.03 48% 1.40 299 290.6 -9% 24% 7% 43% 15%
1391 ferrum mortis82 516 1.18 30% 1.15 270 290.6 0% 0% 10% 90%
1392 Grandpa Aim 242 1.29 42% 2.74 343 290.6 2% 55% 4% 0% 36%
1393 Selaha 15756 1.07 40% 1.41 292 290.6 -10% 11% 16% 40% 30%
1394 RAVEN113 [FJRD] 726 1.16 36% 1.13 300 290.6 -9% 0% 18% 25% 52%
1395 El Mando 861 1.10 25% 1.39 299 290.6 2% 6% 5% 15% 70%
1396 Broken Spirit 822 1.13 39% 1.23 280 290.6 41% 35% 20% 0%
1397 Jormangunder 5154 1.49 36% 1.19 286 290.5 -8% 9% 15% 32% 39%
1398 JintoLengley [MW-F] 17762 1.19 33% 1.23 277 290.5 16% 9% 25% 22% 43%
1399 Uncle Argyle 717 1.09 44% 1.73 310 290.5 8% 17% 37% 22%
1400 Dog of War7 [DG] 8248 1.04 36% 1.06 282 290.5 8% 32% 31% 19% 17%
1401 Snivy FC 2067 1.07 38% 1.26 272 290.5 67% 7% 10% 11%
1402 Hostel Soap 1136 1.13 34% 1.58 289 290.5 -3% 0% 55% 37% 5%
1403 Mindlink 753 1.14 36% 1.11 292 290.4 -8% 12% 25% 37% 20%
1404 patriots87 [PPB] 5917 1.24 33% 1.68 302 290.4 -4% 12% 18% 32% 32%
1405 RedSliverDragon 489 1.00 37% 1.72 295 290.4 24% 28% 17% 12% 31%
1406 Dilution 8000 1.11 38% 1.49 310 290.4 -7% 8% 26% 32% 28%
1407 Yefluga 9404 0.99 28% 1.33 258 290.4 10% 18% 34% 36%
1408 Zyxyxx 1332 1.01 27% 1.09 277 290.3 46% 31% 9% 7%
1409 M A L D I T O 533 1.28 36% 1.45 300 290.3 -8% 3% 17% 62% 11%
1410 BLUE GOOD RED BAD 290 1.35 38% 1.95 338 290.3 13% 3% 46% 29%

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.