Unit: Oosik Irregulars [OOSK]

Rank Percentile Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survive Rate K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
1186 95.27% Vanderbrent 1268 1.27 40% 1.84 301 295.8 16% 39% 33% 5%
1435 94% W00dst0ck 9476 1.22 41% 2.04 317 290.0 -18% 16% 26% 29% 25%
13592 46% McGibs 2926 1.02 29% 0.99 219 225.8 5% 13% 32% 34% 14%
13807 45% Trell Senn 7495 0.91 19% 0.55 209 224.6 11% 8% 20% 32% 35%
Retired Bonepart 64 0.88 20% 0.37 150 51.7 0% 0% 80% 0%
Retired Jack Reynard 1 1.00 100% 0.00 169 0% 100% 0% 0%
Retired Salty4U 456 0.73 27% 0.52 197 185.5 9% 56% 32% 0%
Retired Heckels 54 0.50 35% 0.40 115 38.0 65% 0% 26% 0%
Retired Pablocampy 28 0.87 32% 1.05 214 35.3 0% 7% 4% 25%
Retired XOCentric 610 1.12 33% 1.36 293 288.4 0% 2% 42% 51%
Retired Docshifty 463 1.09 28% 1.03 214 204.0 0% 3% 55% 33%
Retired Maijinamuro 802 1.34 46% 1.53 215 210.7 13% 19% 19% 35%
Retired Thunderclese 128 0.63 12% 0.56 159 72.2 5% 1% 51% 2%
Retired BlaneMasterZ 757 0.92 34% 0.98 225 222.2 14% 42% 24% 18%
Retired Wolve Sight 419 0.79 35% 1.23 249 236.5 36% 12% 45% 7%
Retired Dizzen 296 0.78 24% 0.25 134 118.1 31% 57% 0% 10%
Retired Magik Pryme 426 0.77 30% 0.90 201 183.6 5% 24% 69% 0%
Retired Syngyne 3 2.00 33% 0.50 134 0% 0% 100% 0%
Retired Biteyferret 1945 0.93 34% 1.28 280 284.2 14% 30% 34% 18%
Retired Ioncache 1333 1.00 28% 0.99 227 235.3 22% 38% 25% 15%
Retired Ruckus 429 1.29 30% 0.74 261 245.9 31% 56% 0% 10%
Retired HardTarget 36 0.64 22% 0.82 175 39.0 0% 0% 97% 0%
Retired Damoonrulz 12 1.00 42% 0.43 184 58% 17% 17% 8%
Retired Inquisitor Bast 47 1.30 17% 0.90 227 57.3 0% 26% 66% 9%
Retired Res Ipsa 76 0.95 26% 0.80 164 64.4 0% 21% 62% 0%
Retired Harddown 173 0.98 32% 0.44 114 86.5 66% 6% 6% 11%
Retired Nonoffensive 246 1.09 41% 2.23 307 241.9 0% 43% 6% 4%
Retired Konphujun 362 1.11 21% 0.87 221 237.4 2% 24% 38% 23%
Retired Stefan Amaris 117 1.42 38% 1.64 237 161.3 0% 62% 12% 16%
Retired Betsuni 2714 0.99 33% 1.12 238 246.0 37% 14% 10% 23%
Retired Redspo0n 1063 0.97 23% 0.73 209 202.9 12% 35% 41% 4%
Retired Handgimp 201 1.11 23% 0.96 225 173.8 10% 73% 9% 2%
Retired Naxttm 344 1.28 39% 0.97 210 228.0 21% 21% 38% 11%
Retired Chive turkey 68 0.55 24% 0.69 155 58.3 21% 28% 51% 0%
Retired Stayfrosty00 436 1.02 30% 1.18 214 227.1 8% 32% 19% 11%
Retired Beornk 691 1.08 28% 0.65 185 193.6 8% 19% 30% 25%
Retired Gorn Arming 3022 1.06 29% 1.20 274 261.5 11% 21% 38% 28%
Retired Vaikes 239 0.98 37% 1.28 243 190.2 10% 17% 46% 12%
Retired Cexikitin 631 1.17 31% 1.44 273 290.1 59% 0% 14% 22%
Retired Kelor 852 0.86 30% 0.75 208 208.3 15% 48% 23% 13%
Retired Stabbitystyle 113 0.90 28% 1.25 221 120.7 0% 56% 21% 23%
Retired Axen Moon 157 1.00 24% 0.53 218 149.2 0% 8% 66% 10%
Retired Hydrosqueegee 50 1.08 42% 1.83 298 83.6 0% 34% 50% 0%
Retired Ramish 10 1.00 30% 0.57 130 30% 0% 70% 0%
Retired GeneralArmchair 63 2.32 51% 1.58 312 124.2 0% 70% 30% 0%
Retired Mortza 2368 1.03 31% 1.05 245 287.7 8% 23% 55% 5%
Retired Undoubtable 1208 1.02 25% 0.79 224 225.5 2% 96% 0% 0%
Retired Causality 17 1.13 41% 1.50 196 20.9 0% 100% 0% 0%
Retired Kaeb Odellas 5860 1.39 34% 1.60 293 296.2 20% 31% 23% 24%
Retired Sonork 2191 1.34 44% 2.14 311 310.2 11% 44% 37% 3%
Retired Ausfaller 955 1.03 34% 0.97 250 264.1 13% 29% 32% 17%
Retired Hopelessdreamer 792 1.27 34% 1.54 243 262.3 24% 29% 30% 11%
Retired G Starwind 475 0.95 34% 1.38 247 235.7 17% 4% 30% 39%
Retired Morkath 364 1.01 35% 0.65 212 210.5 37% 12% 21% 0%
Retired Jordan VLach 417 1.25 35% 1.54 285 273.2 28% 21% 3% 44%
Retired Sogekidan 3650 1.13 32% 1.16 249 254.1 18% 10% 21% 47%
Retired Adamski 1049 0.98 29% 1.00 246 250.0 8% 57% 17% 4%
Retired Hmuda 92 0.84 16% 0.29 163 78.2 0% 36% 11% 14%
Retired Mechmantis 1678 1.13 29% 1.13 255 251.3 6% 56% 20% 9%
Retired Jobastion 116 1.13 37% 0.99 243 129.7 0% 9% 38% 22%
Retired Sidewynder 368 0.80 22% 0.88 225 209.2 0% 78% 16% 0%
Retired AbyssalTyrant 607 1.16 43% 1.43 254 238.9 0% 4% 45% 50%
Retired Heroth 4 1.00 50% 2.50 234 0% 0% 100% 0%
Retired Phant Zon 142 1.07 29% 0.48 125 87.1 100% 0% 0% 0%
Retired Elvenshae 420 1.10 26% 0.86 236 215.1 0% 41% 40% 11%
Retired Togsolid 94 0.98 36% 1.68 250 115.6 0% 0% 29% 11%
Retired Botznoy 66 0.94 35% 1.23 190 77.1 0% 52% 48% 0%
Retired Selfried 821 0.91 24% 0.70 210 249.2 62% 6% 5% 12%
Retired Hellbore 13 0.44 8% 0.00 96 8.4 0% 0% 0% 0%
Retired Padre Balistique 1118 1.05 24% 0.92 207 219.9 15% 15% 27% 27%
Retired Elliedren 98 1.11 35% 1.14 252 120.7 0% 12% 58% 12%
Retired Marderschaden 3326 1.00 33% 1.11 238 242.4 9% 34% 45% 10%
Retired Tiger Burning 562 0.85 35% 0.46 146 160.8 34% 40% 22% 0%
Not Found Italianranma
Not Found Rye Zilla
Not Found HatedInAmerica
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Not Found Varro Victus
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Not Found Capnips
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Unit Leaderboard:
Rank Percentile Members Games Played Average Score Adjusted Score W/L Ratio K/D Ratio Progress
184 7.11 73 69973 219.86 185.11 1.08 1.18 -1%

Units membership last updated: 20 September 2024 22:29 PST
Requests can be submitted
You can also contact Mech the Dane on Reddit or MWO forums for Unit submissions and edits.

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.