Unit: Phoenix Rising [PH-R]

Rank Percentile Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survive Rate K/D Ratio Average Score Adjusted Score Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
2753 89% colonel puff 5120 1.19 32% 1.52 281 272.0 21% 22% 15% 34%
3760 85% mitsured 19625 1.22 35% 1.02 245 264.6 7% 18% 20% 26% 35%
3850 85% Rhombicuboc 4237 1.06 30% 1.39 278 264.0 11% 6% 26% 50%
4667 81% thugnifecent 3226 1.14 26% 1.36 259 259.6 17% 12% 18% 47%
5154 79% alpine gresh 16809 0.91 39% 1.06 218 257.2 13% 59% 22% 12% 6%
8639 66% zkorinis 9765 0.97 30% 0.74 226 244.6 12% 27% 29% 18% 22%
9514 62% cardinal puff 43757 0.98 34% 1.08 228 241.8 10% 16% 38% 35% 11%
12735 49% slink77 15776 0.99 29% 0.81 218 230.2 19% 19% 28% 34%
14173 43% escargo 3892 0.97 21% 0.62 218 222.1 3% 16% 19% 30% 30%
16372 35% wrongway wright 5708 0.91 37% 0.63 183 201.9 9% 35% 34% 25% 1%
Retired cougarknight 5379 0.89 32% 0.90 192 197.5 10% 27% 40% 21%
Retired tunafishsamich 3692 1.08 36% 1.40 272 280.0 3% 15% 36% 42%
Retired quirkypenguin 3965 1.06 34% 1.60 263 271.9 21% 1% 51% 17%
Retired joesbain 1801 0.82 29% 0.65 196 198.1 12% 28% 24% 29%
Retired Combatspace 5069 1.01 32% 0.84 229 228.5 17% 25% 26% 26%
Retired tralik 3803 1.06 36% 1.40 271 286.0 13% 41% 14% 31%
Retired phoenix risen 1620 0.89 32% 0.98 219 218.9 11% 11% 53% 21%
Retired jesus0999 13547 0.98 34% 0.92 217 239.8 38% 15% 26% 19%
Retired papa98 2681 0.71 22% 0.22 111 114.3 10% 25% 37% 25%
Retired idaho619 1591 0.93 27% 0.83 208 205.5 8% 17% 37% 35%
Retired chimmichurri 3431 0.87 35% 0.98 181 214.0 84% 3% 4% 7%
Retired thilandrios 2691 0.98 30% 1.04 218 231.0 6% 25% 29% 35%
Retired hellfire666 6826 0.92 30% 0.88 226 238.7 19% 27% 29% 21%
Retired thebigmountain 4930 0.98 33% 1.28 262 273.8 11% 23% 32% 29%
Retired neroc26 4550 0.96 28% 1.14 230 246.7 12% 24% 36% 27%
Retired cakeeater 1975 0.99 30% 0.79 220 227.9 1% 22% 52% 20%
Retired t h e b l a c k r i d e r 1835 0.77 33% 1.04 219 213.6 10% 12% 58% 15%
Retired duerre 3761 1.11 34% 1.25 250 269.2 9% 39% 31% 20%
Retired barn burner 2176 0.94 30% 0.82 201 210.9 34% 11% 20% 30%
Retired soulripp 7548 1.07 35% 1.65 291 286.3 3% 16% 38% 39%
Retired metaldeathpunch 4903 0.89 22% 0.72 196 166.0 4% 11% 24% 59%
Retired denis lacroix 5835 0.85 29% 0.72 200 206.6 22% 44% 14% 17%
Retired widowmaker1972 9650 0.94 21% 0.55 196 220.3 20% 45% 20% 11%
Retired argonnator 5822 0.86 35% 1.07 245 257.0 13% 31% 35% 20%
Retired sneakolai 13280 0.87 33% 1.01 228 236.7 35% 26% 26% 11%
Retired mekhane 1576 1.07 34% 1.37 248 247.4 3% 22% 42% 27%
Retired d4rkestburningstar 3501 0.91 29% 0.80 202 213.8 19% 23% 18% 37%
Retired warhawk5051 2277 1.04 32% 0.95 210 226.7 26% 26% 19% 11%
Retired mehune 4319 1.01 23% 0.73 196 230.6 24% 28% 37% 8%
Retired cronic x 4063 1.06 30% 1.04 254 242.6 6% 20% 37% 31%
Retired varent 578 1.01 37% 1.51 248 242.8 4% 18% 33% 37%
Retired aggergakker 2260 1.03 26% 0.67 221 221.2 31% 29% 26% 11%
Retired sidblue 7535 1.00 24% 0.68 203 218.1 26% 13% 21% 35%
Retired ladymaria28 2328 0.84 27% 0.54 196 191.9 16% 42% 33% 8%
Retired craenos 2689 1.00 29% 1.04 236 267.5 13% 20% 52% 8%
Retired vadafallon 3365 0.90 22% 0.61 202 193.4 13% 32% 28% 22%
Retired kossir 1403 0.95 21% 0.61 203 205.2 25% 15% 27% 26%
Not Found papa smurf

Unit Leaderboard:
Rank Percentile Members Games Played Average Score Adjusted Score W/L Ratio K/D Ratio Progress
142 28.43 47 286170 223.70 231.88 0.98 0.97 9%

Units membership last updated: 25 September 2024 07:41 PST
Requests can be submitted
You can also contact Vigilante1024 (Reddit), Deathlord (MWO) on Reddit or MWO forums for Unit submissions and edits.

Database Season: 97
Database last modified: 15 September 2024
Current active players: 25,042
Current retired players: 349,232

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.