Rank Pilot Name Games Played W/L Ratio Survival K/D Ratio▴ Average Score Adjusted Score Progress Light Medium Heavy Assault
1441 LatrineMachine 233 0.97 23% 0.30 136 111.8 25% 31% 27% 13%
1442 love666long 196 0.74 19% 0.30 136 103.8 39% 0% 0% 38%
1443 DracheDesSuedens 43 1.21 30% 0.30 137 36.6 3% 0% 37% 5% 42%
1444 Silentbox96 23 0.64 13% 0.30 137 20.3 0% 0% 74% 0%
1445 NeklasCZE 11 0.57 9% 0.30 137 10.1 0% 0% 0% 0%
1446 Krolth 1337 0.70 14% 0.30 138 138.2 5% 23% 34% 28%
1447 mamik 63 0.59 10% 0.30 138 47.5 0% 0% 29% 65%
1448 BenNairolf 4866 0.82 23% 0.30 139 144.9 -12% 51% 24% 9% 6%
1449 Fastdog73 1128 0.70 19% 0.30 139 140.5 42% 2% 48% 33% 5%
1450 rebornfootone 282 0.84 17% 0.30 139 116.3 -32% 9% 4% 21% 66%
1451 schimitar00 122 0.81 13% 0.30 140 76.8 0% 0% 8% 84%
1452 Kusukyu 731 0.82 14% 0.30 141 146.6 23% 43% 30% 16% 0%
1453 comacho 383 254 0.77 13% 0.30 141 116.5 -22% 10% 4% 44% 28%
1454 ApocryphalMegatron 168 0.87 28% 0.30 141 102.2 26% 34% 33% 0%
1455 Tanfj [-99-] 2910 0.87 15% 0.30 142 140.7 -6% 10% 12% 35% 39%
1456 Rexcelius 45 0.96 18% 0.30 142 37.1 0% 0% 40% 60%
1457 DragonKnight149 1242 0.72 19% 0.30 143 150.5 9% 51% 15% 23%
1458 Glugalugus 203 0.74 13% 0.30 143 110.6 28% 31% 15% 35% 8%
1459 SDSRoxie 571 0.76 14% 0.30 144 144.5 17% 27% 7% 42% 20%
1460 Plan B Through Z0 [WA] 964 0.83 17% 0.30 145 149.2 15% 41% 11% 17% 30%
1461 arctickin 172 0.89 22% 0.30 145 97.4 -28% 0% 0% 8% 72%
1462 warpanda76 129 0.68 24% 0.30 145 91.0 46% 9% 23% 0%
1463 Me1perpsl 39 0.70 5% 0.30 145 35.2 36% 26% 0% 31%
1464 Smiler x1 967 0.88 19% 0.30 148 152.3 29% 28% 21% 25% 24%
1465 HereticSoul 193 1.04 14% 0.30 149 110.2 0% 91% 7% 0%
1466 Zephyr1895 15 0.88 33% 0.30 149 16.3 100% 0% 0% 0%
1467 Raulas 398 0.90 28% 0.30 151 150.5 60% 25% 10% 0%
1468 EldritchCutiepie 233 0.73 22% 0.30 151 121.4 0% 0% 97% 0%
1469 SadeBunnyRose 24 0.60 17% 0.30 151 24.9 71% 0% 0% 0%
1470 Yooo6996 21 0.62 5% 0.30 151 20.6 0% 0% 0% 0%

Database Season: 103
Database last modified: 02 March 2025
Current active players: 21,439
Current retired players: 358,454

Ranks are determined by adjusted match score for players who have been active in the last three months.
Players who have stopped playing are still tracked but are placed into "retirement". They will be placed back into ranks if they return but
their latest performance will have significant effect on their placement when returning.

How Adjusted Score Formula is calculated: ((Season Average Match Score)*((Season#+1)^1.8))*(-(1.007^(-TotalGamesPlayed)-1))*(ClassMultiplier)
This will give full score around 500 games and each new season is weighed higher than the last. After this, the score is adjusted based on classes played.

The weight class coefficients are derived from each classes' recent global performance. The current class weights are:
Light: 1.1,  Medium: 1,  Heavy: 1,  Assault: 0.95.

Progress is the progress a pilot has made in the current season compared to their average score.